"Great, more tapes."

~ Welcome to Marble Hornets ~

In front of you is a bag of tapes. You aren't sure where they came from, but curiosity got the best of you. You decide naturally to first watch the tape labeled...

The tape begins with a person sitting in a chair facing the camera. They open their mouth and start talking."Hello, and welcome to my channel. I figured I should start with a simple introduction..."

Entry #1 - About

"My name is Linnea, but you can also call me by Jay or any kin names. I'm twenty-two years old, and I use they/them pronouns.The tape then goes inaudible. The figure, Jay, then goes on to talk for another minute before they reach for the camera and the recording stops. You check and nothing else is on the tape. You shrug and decide to move onto...

The second tape starts up just as the first, with Jay sitting in front of the camera. This time, they had a piece of paper in their hands."Hello, today I got a question in my comments from a user named---" [inaudible] "---asking what I would like my viewers to know before subscribing?"

Entry #2 - DNI/BYF

[[you hear the currently redacted DNI list]]If you understand all of this, please---"The video glitches out and the tape ends shortly after. The video starts flashing numbers and letters on the screen. After a few replays, you notice it forms a hexidecimal code. Thankfully because of plot convenience, you are able to decode it to read out "the paper". The paper? You decide to dig around the bag for more clues and behold: you find a few papers stapled together labeled as "Entry #3". Keeping Entry #2 in mind, do you read the piece of paper?


Why, not right? You look over at the papers.

Entry #3 - Kinlist

The list is quite long, but you persist and read the names on the list.

The List (Main Kins)

The list was way too long for your taste, so you decided to skip over and only look at the biggest ones.~~~💀 Jay Merrick + Skully 💀
(Marble Hornets)
(No Doubles w/ Exception)
ðŸŽĪ Boyfriend / Keith ðŸŽĪ
(Friday Night Funkin)
(No Doubles w/ Exception)
âœĻ Linie Gajarri âœĻ
(Doubles Stance n/a)
☄ Giovanni Potage ☄
(Epithet Erased)
(No Doubles w/ Exception)
ðŸĪš Anakin Skywalker + Darth Vader ðŸĪš
(Star Wars)
(No Doubles w/ Exception)
🔧 Kazuichi Souda 🔧
(Ask if Double)
💙 Austin Powers 💙
(Austin Powers)
(Doubles Loved)

After finishing the list, you see a plastic bag containing a few photos of people in your big bag full of tapes and junk. It's labeled as "Entry #4". Each picture has a person with a caption under it.

Entry #4 - Friends

There are quite a few photos, but you are able to find basic info on the people.[[the list is torn off][There may have been more, but the handwriting was quite illegible on the other pictures.After finishing with the pictures, you shuffle through the rest of the contents in the bag and find a scrapbook. The cover has a few hearts on it. There is a phrase written onto it:

Entry #5

You open up the scrapbook and see a few pictures scattered over the pages with doodles of colourful hearts around them. You decide to see who the pictures are of.

Boba Fett
Star Wars
"Boba is my all-time favourite character. Ever since I was a little kid, I've had such a deep infatuation with him, and even now he's become a character I heavily sympathize and even empathize with. I love everything about him, from his design down to his mysterious personality."

Tim Wright
Marble Hornets
"Tim is the reason I got into Marble Hornets, my hyperfixation, in the first place. I knew his character from the creepypasta fanbase and WOW they did not do this poor man justice. He's got some attitude but overall he's just some guy who cares for his friends and wants a nice life. Also he radiates such a kind and protective energy. I feel oddly tranquil when I see him on screen."

Professor Membrane
Invader Zim
"Professor Membrane is another major comfort for me. I was just fine with him in the show, but the movie really sold me on how much I loved his character. Even with his flaws, I like to think he really is a caring father."

There is also a list of "honourable mentions", which is separated onto three pages.Romantic Comforts
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Jessica Locke (Marble Hornets)
Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Platonic Comforts
Brad Carbunkle (MLaaTR)
Brian Thomas (Marble Hornets)
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Other Comforts
Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Fawful (Super Mario)
Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta)
JFK (Clone High)
Prince Peasley (Super Mario)
Yuck (Yin Yang Yo)
After looking over all of these, you put the scrapbook down to dig around the bag once more. You discover some garbage and letters of incomprehensible writing, but you also find even more tapes. All of them are unlabeled except one titled...

Entry #6

You boot up the tape. Nothing notable happens on the video. By nothing, you mean the video was just a bunch of B-roll with static audio. Frustrated, you decide to go through the rest of the unmarked tape casettes in hopes that there would be more information or something. After going through a large chunk of the tapes, you feel your head start to pound. You lean forward, curling into yourself as your ears start to ring. Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You jolt and turn to see a masked figure with a blue hood and brown jacket. You can just barely make out the eyes through the holes in the mask, and feel a sense of familiarity. Suddenly it hits why."It's you."The figure nods and pulls a piece of paper out of their jacket pocket, then taking your hands and placing it into the palm. "You will know what to do next," the figure says in an all too familiar voice. Before you could get a word in, they flee in the blink of an eye, almost like a dream. The paper in your hands is small, but contains a phrase inside.

You read the paper. It said the word "password" and then the phrase:"It's for a documentary about hotels."along with an address. You plugged it into your phone's GPS and figured what the hell, you've already made it this far. You may as well figure out the rest of what's going on here.